So... You're A Programmer

Find all my coding tutorials and example code HERE! My source code for current projects are updated monthly on Dougie’s Desktop

Game Engine
All code and tutorials are done in GML since I use Gamemaker Studio from my games!
  • Movement System
  • Finite State Machine
  • Weapon System
  • Inventory System
  • Crafting System

Umm... so
Everything is currently under construction, making these tiers unavaliable.
Tired of reading my code? Get access to the code by supporting me.

You’ve stumbled on my new site! Sorry it looks unfinished :(fas fa-face-sad-tear fa-fw):. I’m avoiding easy site builders because they limit creativity. In short, I taught myself HTML and CSS in 2 months to create a unique experience for you!

Many of these free site builders have fees for easy to add features, but... 
I'm broke. 

I’m tired of every indie developer websites acting as a landing page, just to send you to other websites to buy their games. I want to make this website a part of the experience as much as I can. I want to use gifs for backgrounds, embed games into every corner of the page, and sell some products without these extra fees. Plus I can post anything I want, all in one spot!